Picture 1
Lake Sebu Tower in construction, 1000 watts will reach far.
Station room in construction
Type your paragraph here.
We need more radio stations to extend evangelism
in the mission field and build more churches
and organize more districts in the mission field!
Pictures 6, 7, 8, 9. and 10 are of the Tampakan Hope Channel
May the God of heaven give you peace and good health as we continue
working and serving the Lord in His vineyard.
By Pastor Elmer J. Romano, Communication Director
I am happy to know you are very active in participating in the ministry of Southern Mindanao Mission and other parts of the
world. At present, we are now building and constructing different radio stations, buildings, studios and towers to transmit the
Three Angels Messages in the territory of Southern Mindanao Mission. We are using the Hope Channel Southern Mindanao, Hope
Radio, and Adventist World Radio for our evangelism. Because of this, we had a very impressive result in winning souls for Christ.
After the “40 Days Journey with God,” nearly 20,000 people gave their hearts to God and were baptized, in addition to the 211
bandits and rebels and their families that were baptized in an area where the Philippine government has no presence because of the bandits and rebels. We had 3 baptism places and still had to baptize after dark.
During the pandemic, our church members were not allowed to go to church and almost two years passed with no church services allowed. So our evangelism through Adventist radio programming was the only way to reach people.
We want to share with you some experiences shared by our radio listeners:
Some were sending messages inviting the radio anchors to visit their village because they wanted to receive baptism. The Promised Land SDA Church, before the pandemic didn’t have a church building in the community, but today we already have 73 baptized members in this village.
Another example is the Morning Breeze SDA Church; before the pandemic we didn’t have church gatherings. However, because of our radio programs, many non-SDAs were sending messages to the station asking for special prayer for the family. Because of that, those people were won to God’s true church. Now we have more than 90 members in this church.
Another experience is from people at Tupi, South Cotabato, which is about 30 kilometers away from Tampakan Hope Radio. During the pandemic, listeners were calling and requesting that the station managers, the Hope program directors, and the Hope Radio DJ come visit their place because they wanted to have a church building. Today they have more than 100 members in this church. Because of this, the neighboring districts of Sector 3 participated in “bayanihan,” work bees, to build the church in Lamlatang. It is very inspiring to see our brothers and sisters carrying bags of cement, galvanized iron, and other materials for the church building.
One day, there was a group of 37 non-Adventists who came to visit the Hope Radio Station. When they arrived at the studio, they presented love offerings and tithes as a gift, like they had heard over the radio. I told them that returning tithe is a Biblical principle and that the Lord will be happy for it. But bringing a gift offering as a payment for their requests is not Biblical because requested prayer—either answered or not—is free! Even after explaining it to them, they still insisted to give the money as their gift. They were nurtured and are attending church services on Sabbaths. Now they are being baptized into our church. This type of experience has happened more than once.
There are other requests for Adventist radio because we promote healthy diet and healthy lifestyle and are teaching the people how to follow the Bible.
Today, our radio stations are providing an excellent public service that represents our Adventist Media Ministry Services. We are constructing more radio stations, like in Lake Sebu, Midsayap City, Kidapawan City, Landasan, and Maguindanao. Others have been put on hold due to lack of finances.
Bongmal Adventist Academy is located at Kimlawis Kiblawan Davao Del Sur. We offer free education to all the children and parents, with special intention for the Indigenous people of the area. There are 247 pupils in grades K-6.
With these seekers for truth, we need your support to help us in building more radio stations & churches in different parts of North Cotabato, Maguindanao, and
Saranggani Provinces. These are the provinces that have only one (1) radio station,
and we need more in these provinces with 350-watt FM stations.
Last year because of God working through the radio stations. Over 19,000 precious
souls were baptized for Southern Mindanao Mission alone. And for Tampakan Hope
Radio last year, 1,090 precious souls were baptized. Praise God!
This is Tampakan Hope Radio Station, one of the first stations.
It is a very active station. 1,090 precious souls won for God through this station.
Pastor Romano, Communication Director for Southern Mindanao
Mission, (SMM) is on the left. The man in the center is the
Communication Director of Central Visayan Mission (CVM).
He wants to copy SMM’s Radio Stations & Hope Channels
for the CVM area of the Philippines.
The man on the right is the station manager of
the Hope Channel SMM.
May these short stories open the hearts of our brothers and sisters to
help us in these special projects of our communication department of
Southern Mindanao Mission here in General Santos City, Mindanao, Philippines.
Sincerely yours, ELMER J. ROMANO,
Communication Director
Pictures 2, 3, 4, and 5
School / Church
Bongmal Adventist Academy is located at Kimlawis Kiblawan Davao Del Sur.